Privacy and Personal Data

The Federal Constitution of Brazil, in its Article 5, X, establishes that privacy is an inviolable human right. In line with this principle, Compass Gás & Energia ensures the security and privacy of personal data of all its stakeholders.

Ensuring the security of our information, as well as the privacy of data, is a fundamental part of the strategic and operational conduct of our business. Therefore, we value the transparent, ethical, and secure processing of personal data. Thus, all our personal data processing activities are conducted in a legitimate and lawful manner, in compliance with applicable laws, especially the Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Learn more about the topic and the actions we take to ensure the privacy and security of data for all individuals who come into contact with us.

How does the LGPD protect your data?

The Brazilian Data Protection Law (13.709/2018), known as LGPD, came into force in August 2020, granting Brazilian citizens various rights regarding their personal data and greater control over it. The Law ensures protection for all data whose holders are natural persons, whether in physical or digital format. Thus, LGPD does not apply to data held by legal entities – which are not considered personal data for the purposes of the Law.

It is important to clarify that LGPD is not intended to prohibit the processing of data but to establish rules and limits in order to protect the data subjects.

Common questions:

Principles that guide LGPD
  1. Purpose: Processing for legitimate and specific purposes informed to the data subject.
  2. Adequacy: Compatibility of processing with the purposes informed to the data subject.
  3. Necessity: Limitation of processing to the minimum necessary for achieving its purposes.
  4. Free Access: Free and facilitate access to information about the form and duration of processing.
  5. Data Quality: Guarantee to data subjects of accuracy, clarity, relevance and updating of data, according to the necessity to fulfill the purposes of the processing.
  6. Transparency: Guarantee the data subjects of clear, precise and easily accessible information about data processing.
  7. Security: Use of technical and administrative measures able to protect personal data.
  8. Prevention: Adoption of measures to prevent the occurrence of damages resulting from data processing.
  9. Non-Discrimination: Prohibition of processing for unlawful, abusive or discriminatory purposes.
  10. Accountability and Reporting: Demonstration by the controller that effective measures are being adopted.
What is the LGPD?

LGPD stands for the Brazilian Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709/2018). The LGPD establishes rules on the collection, storage, and sharing of personal data, providing more protection to the data subjects.

What is Personal Data?

Any data that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. Examples of Personal Data include name, age, gender, parentage, physical and electronic address, document numbers, corporate identifiers (“CS” and “TR”), electronic identifiers (IP, IMEI), geolocation, internet browsing profile, and consumption profile.

What is Sensitive Personal Data?

Personal data concerning racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, political opinions, membership in a union or a religious, philosophical, or political organization, health or sexual life data, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files containing information that your computer or phone stores when you visit websites on the internet. Cookies enable, for example, showing ads for items you’ve previously searched for when you visit sites.

Compass may use cookies to collect various information, such as detecting whether the user has visited Compass websites before or if they are a new visitor, helping identify features that can enhance the user experience. Additionally, cookies can improve your online experience by storing preferences during navigation. When visiting our site, you will be informed about which types of cookies will be collected and will have the option to manage this collection by activating optional cookies of your interest.

Data Collection

Compass collects, stores, and uses personal data, including “cookies” data. Therefore, Compass recommends reading its Privacy Policy, which explains which data is collected and for what purposes. Regarding cookie data, they are collected to provide users with a better browsing experience on our web pages, as outlined in our Cookie Policy.

It is recommended to regularly check our Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy, which is subject to change without prior notice.

To contact Compass’ Data Protection Officer (DPO):